Discovery Church is a community of faith founded on biblical truth. We believe that through our common pursuit of what God calls the church to be, that we can welcome our community into a relationship with Jesus through our radical hospitality and uncommon grace. While our gatherings are casual in dress and the spirit of our worship is fresh, we know that the Kingdom of God is being ushered in through the timeless practices of bighearted sacrifice. Our church is growing in a suburb of Columbus, Ohio that is poised to see a record setting population boom over the next decade. On any given Sunday we gather with 125-150 believers to worship, and then send each other out to reach our friends, coworkers, and neighbors throughout the week. Our Community Groups and Relational Discipleship Groups engage nearly 75% of our congregants, and grow each session. With this in mind we are pursuing applicants with a heart for the Kingdom of God, who have their feet firmly planted in the reality that our world needs Jesus and the world is coming to us over the next generation. We are ready to meet the needs of our city, and that includes a vision for a FULL TIME Next Gen Director with a heart pursuant of what God has called our church to: reaching a postmodern Columbus population with the timeless way of Christ.